Boost Services

Interpreting the Sound Ratings of a Unit

Common Sounds

Decibel (dB) Comparisons

The following is a brief decibel (dBA) scale with some usual sounds laid out to give an insight into how potentially damaging they can be to hearing. In many industries, workers are exposed to dangerous noise levels.Such is the case in the construction, lumber, mining, steel and textile industries in particular.

How to Interpret Sound Ratings

Generally, sound ratings are understood in correlation with the decibel (dB) given to the HVAC equipment. The quiet level range of 40-50 dB is suitable for the residential areas, that is similar to the sound of a refrigerator. Moderate by any standards are the sounds whose level ranges between 50-60 dB, which is roughly similar to the noise people produce while chatting. 

Levels above 60 dB could be recognized easily and may bring inconvenience, particularly in comparatively calm environments. When selecting the system, it is essential to look at the noise level to make sure that it is less than the spaces it shall occupy to improve comfort. Alcohol and drugs D When choosing soundproofing products, almost always, levels referred to as dB ratings should be lower.

Factors Affecting Sound Ratings

Some of the things that influence sound ratings include; the type of HVAC system, the size of the system, and design of the system. This noise depends on the efficiency of the assembly components such as fan, compressor, and the motor. Further, the location of the installation, the flow direction and patterns and the insulation type and characteristics play a role in the amount of sound that is transferred. But well performed and correctly lubricated will reduce the noises to an appropriate level with time after frequent servicing. 

Jet Engines (Near) 140
Shotgun Firing130
Jet Takeoff (100-200 Ft.) 130
Rock Concert (Varies) 110-140 Threshold of pain (125 dB)
Oxygen Torch 121
Disco/Boom Box 120Threshold of sensation (120 dB)
Thunderclap (Near) 120
Stereo (Over 100 Watts) 110-125
Symphony Orchestra 110
Power Saw (Chain Saw) 110Regular exposure of more than 1 minute risks permanent hearing loss (over 100 dB)
Jet Fly-over (1000 Ft.) 103
Electric Furnace Area 100
Garbage Truck/Cement Mixer 100No more than 15 minutes of unprotected exposure recommended (90-100 dB)
Farm Tractor 98
Newspaper Press 97
Subway, Motorcycle (25 Ft) 88
Very annoying
Lawnmower, Food Blender 85-90 Level at which hearing damage begins after 8 hours (85dB)
Recreational Vehicles, TV 70-90
Diesel Truck (40 Mph, 50 Ft.) 84
Average City Traffic Noise80
Garbage Disposal 80Annoying; interferes with conversation; constant exposure may cause damage
Washing Machine 78
Vacuum Cleaner 70
Hair Dryer 70Intrusive; interferes with telephone conversation
Normal Conversation 50-65
Quiet Office 50-60 Comfortable (under 60 dB)
Refrigerator Humming 40
Whisper30 Very quiet
Broadcasting Studio 30
Rustling Leaves 20Just audible
Normal Breathing 10
0Threshold of normal hearing (1000-4000 Hz)

Since different frequency sounds are not detected in the same manner by human ear, special weighting or attenuating filters are provided in the circuits of sound level meters. A noise level meter provides current measurement of the noise in the environment but does not measure how long the exposure will last. To measure the amount of noise a person is exposed to over a period of time, a “dosimeter~ or an integrated sound level meter must be used. Sources for the above include the American Medical Association and the Canadian Hearing Society of Ontario. The table has been borrowed from National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892. January 1990.